Assam Tea Store

Best Assam Tea Manufacturers


Assam tea, with its distinctive flavor and robust character, holds a cherished place in the hearts of tea lovers worldwide. Behind each exquisite cup lies the expertise and passion of Assam’s top tea manufacturers. In this blog post, we invite you to embark on an informative journey as we explore the leading tea producers of Assam, unveiling their rich traditions, commitment to quality, and sustainable practices that make their teas truly exceptional.

McLeod Russel: A Legacy of Excellence

McLeod Russel tea garden

For over 150 years, McLeod Russel has been a prominent name in the world of tea. With sprawling tea estates across Assam, their commitment to quality is evident at every step of the production process. McLeod Russel’s adherence to traditional cultivation methods, combined with modern techniques, ensures the finest selection of tea leaves. Their teas boast bold, malty flavors and are sought after by connoisseurs worldwide.

Assam Tea Company: Crafting Artisanal Wonders

Assam tea Garden

The Assam Tea Company takes pride in its approach to tea production, focusing on single-origin, handcrafted teas. Collaborating with carefully selected estates, they curate a diverse range of teas, each with its own unique character. From rich and full-bodied breakfast blends to nuanced specialty teas, their offerings cater to a variety of palates. By prioritizing quality and authenticity, the Assam Tea Company provides tea enthusiasts with a truly memorable experience.

Halmari Tea Estate: Where Tradition Meets Perfection

Assam tea garden

Nestled in the picturesque landscapes of Upper Assam, Halmari Tea Estate is renowned for its orthodox teas. These teas undergo meticulous processing, resulting in exquisite flavors and a rich, amber liquor. Halmari’s attention to detail is reflected in the consistent quality of their teas, making them a favorite among discerning tea drinkers. With a commitment to sustainable practices and a deep-rooted passion for tea, Halmari Tea Estate continues to create tea treasures.

Jalinga Tea Estate: Embracing Artistry and Innovation

Assam tea garden

Jalinga Tea Estate stands out as a boutique tea producer, dedicated to pushing the boundaries of tea craftsmanship. Their small-batch, artisanal teas captivate with their unique flavors and delicate aromas. By embracing innovative processing techniques, Jalinga Tea Estate offers tea enthusiasts a chance to explore new dimensions of taste. Their commitment to sustainable farming and a hands-on approach to tea production sets them apart in the world of Assam.

Doomni Tea Estate: Sustainability with a Purpose

Assam tea garden

Doomni Tea Estate has made significant strides in combining exceptional tea production with sustainable practices. Their bold black teas, grown amidst the breathtaking landscapes of the Brahmaputra River Valley, showcase the dedication of the farmers who tend to the tea bushes. Supporting Doomni Tea Estate means supporting sustainable agriculture, fair trade principles, and the overall well-being of local communities. Each cup of Doomni tea becomes an opportunity to make a positive impact.


The top tea manufacturers of Assam embody a legacy of excellence, craftsmanship, and sustainability. From the time-honored traditions of McLeod Russel to the innovative approach of Jalinga Tea Estate, each producer leaves an indelible mark on the world of Assam teas. As you indulge in their offerings, you become a part of a journey that celebrates quality, authenticity, and the rich cultural heritage of this magnificent tea-growing region. Raise your cup and savor the flavors, knowing that behind each sip lies the passion and expertise of Assam’s finest tea manufacturers

Buy world class teas of the above gardens from here :

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